how to lead congregational prayer in islam

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Tháng Tám 3, 2018

Congregation prayer in a mosque, or masjid, is particularly encouraged for men and is optional for women. In congregation prayer, whoever stands in the front and is followed by the people, is called " Imam " (someone who leads the prayer) and the one following him is called "Ma'mum", literally the one who is led. Some narrations imply that Islamic prayer was legislated originally as a congregational worship. Books . The following are the minimum requirements for the Imāmah of a man leading a mixed congregational prayer for the prayer to be valid (apart from the regular conditions of ṣalāh such as purity, ablution, appropriate clothing, qiblah etc): Al Islam – To be a Muslim. Who may be the imam? The imam is standing in front, and the followers stand behind him in a straight line, all … The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “When the time for prayer comes, give the adhan and iqamah then let the oldest of you two lead you in prayer.” (Al-Bukhari) And since the most pious, meritorious and knowledgeable person must be the one to lead the congregation, it is a kind of training and promotion of knowledge, piety and justice. Gain Allah’s Pleasure. Get to know Islam . When the believers gather to offer their congregational prayers at a place of worship or the masjid, they should offer their prayers behind the imaam chosen and appointed by those in authority. Ruling 1441. A woman is not allowed to lead others in prayers because it is makruh tahrimi (prohibitively disliked). It is obligatory to pray in congregation in the mosque but since we are having a lockdown and Mosques are closed these days, We can learn some facts about congregational Salah and try to pray together in our homes.. According to the majority of scholars, youngsters may lead the prayer in presence of the older family members. Congregational prayer teaches unity of expression, direction, objective, and leadership. Attendance is strictly incumbent upon all adult males who are legal residents of the locality. The Imam stands in front by himself while the followers stand behind him in straight lines, all facing the Qiblah (the direction of Ka’bah). Out of respect for their chastity and honour, women are not advised to stand for prayer in front of men. Umm Waraqa bint Abdallah, an Ansari woman, who knew the entire Quran , was instructed by Muhammad to lead ahl dariha , which consisted of both men and women, in prayer. The contents of this book are from The Worship Sourcebook, a larger collection of resources for use in all parts of the worship service. The duty of leading the prayer for the congregation is called imamah. This is by no means in accordance with the prerequisites of congregational prayer. The leader or head of the Islamic State would, of course, be a person of Five daily prayers, which is one of the five pillars of Islam and known as “the pillar of the religion”, need to be performed collectively due to the importance that Islam gives to jama’ah. The Person who leads is called the Imam, while those who follow him are called the Ma'mum or Ma'mumin (plural). Things to Know about Congregational Salah: The Friday Congregational Prayer (Salat Al-Jum`ah) is so important, a whole sura is entitled "Friday" and a commandment is decreed in Verse 62:9 to observe this prayer. However, the larger the congregation, the dearer it … an Islamic state, the head of the state or his representative is supposed to lead the five daily congregational prayers at the central mosque of the capital city as was the practice of the Prophet (peace be upon him), in the first Islamic state established at Medina. The Jumu'ah prayer is half the Zuhr (dhuhr) prayer, for convenience, preceded by a khutbah (a sermon as a technical replacement of the two reduced rakaʿāt of the ordinary Zuhr (dhuhr) prayer), and followed by a congregational prayer, led by the imām.In most cases the khaṭīb also serves as the imam. The congregational prayer can be established by at least two people, one of them acts as the prayer leader (imaam). There are two opening congregational prayer examples. It is acceptable that a young person or a blind man should lead the prayer. (Find out about the Call to Prayer.) This is especially recommended if youngsters are more knowledgeable about recitation of the Quran and the rulings of prayer. Following the imam is called iqtida; a person who follows the imam is called a muqtadi, muttabi or ma'mum. Prayer in congregation is the salah that Muslims perform together following the imam, the person in front of them. Order your prayer. A woman is only allowed to lead females in congregations if there is no male imam and she must stand in the middle of the line and not in front of them. Congregational prayer could be held at Masjid, home or elsewhere with two people, an imam and a follower. It is not correct for a woman to lead men in prayers at all, regardless of whether it is a fard (obligatory) prayer or a naafil (supererogatory) prayer. An imam must be a man who is fair and knowledgeable about Islamic jurisprudence. Like many Muslims living in the UK, I work 9 to 5, Monday to Friday, in an office. It is permissible for a person offering an obligatory prayer to … Make sure there is a flow and direction. Islam ordained congregational prayer and emphasized it in the compulsory prayers except for the prayer of al-Tawaf (circumambulation) prayer during Hajj, and al-Nawafil Prayers (voluntary prayers). Keep a good pace. ... Father or son should lead prayer in front. The Friday Prayer. Abu Hurairah reported that a blind man said to the Prophet: “O Messenger of Allah, I have no guide to lead me to the mosque (to attend the congregational prayer)”. Jama’ah means community and gathering, coming together. To know the status of praying with the congregation and how serious a matter it is to abandon it, the Prophet hardly exempted anyone from it. The virtue of being an imam is more than being a muezzin. As for the daily prayers, the minimum amount of people needed is two -one, Imam and one Ma'mum. In addition to being a place of prayer, mosques have also become a focal point in the community. Imam (or the leader), start the prayer, and the follower follows the imam. Just like the individual prayer, the imam recite the opening chapter (Al-Fatihah) followed by some other verses from Quran loudly in first two unit (rakah) - except for second and third prayers of the day (i.e. zuhr and asr) - where Imam silently recite them. Status: Congregational prayer is a duty for Muslim men, and this is clear in both the Qur’an and the Sunnah. ‘When you are with the believers and about to lead them in prayer, let one group of them stand up with you.’ Muslim men are encouraged to offer as many of the five daily prayers in the mosque as possible, as the reward for doing so is at least 25 times greater than offering the prayer alone at home. Articles ... Congregational Prayer & Rulings on Leading the Prayer unfollow follow . He is called the leader (imam). Based on the above and according to the opinion implemented for fatwa, which is the opinion of the majority of jurists, it is not allowed for women to lead men in congregational prayers. A women leading a group or congregational prayer, is a detail that is not mentioned in the Quran, similar to the absence of details concerning rituals of our religious practices. And at the time of the prayer one of you should pronounce the Adhan, and the oldest of you should lead the prayer." It is necessary for the imam to have a sound creed, a good knowledge of Fiqh (jurisprudence) and sufficient knowledge about issues related to prayer. If the congregation is made up of 2 individuals e.g.

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