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Tháng Tám 3, 2018

Important among physical processes are a decline in soil structure leading to crusting, compaction, erosion, desertification, anaerobism, environmental pollution, and unsustainable use of natural resources. Desertification is the degradation process by which a fertile land changes itself into a desert by losing its flora and fauna, this can be caused by drought, deforestation, climate change, human activities or improper agriculture. Landslides caused by rains and flowing water in hilly areas and deforestation, overgrazing and faulty cultural practices in the forest and other plain areas expose the soil to water and wind erosions. All of these problems occur due the removal of natural vegetation and other factors. Environmental degradation is the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air, water, and soil, the destruction of ecosystems and the extinction of wildlife. The clearing of land for farming, grazing, mining, drilling, and urbanization impact the 80 percent of global species who call the forest home. Can human-induced land degradation be distinguished from the effects of rainfall variability? Land degradation can cause physical, chemical and biological changes to an environment. Ecological degradation can have serious effects on many animals, plants and also for humanity. Thus, in order to prevent these adverse consequences, we It is viewed as any change or disturbance to the land perceived to be deleterious or undesirable. Programs. When land is degraded, it is a global challenge that affects everyone through issues like climate change, food insecurity, environmental hazards, loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services, and higher food prices. Arid Environ. Land degradation, due to the large area and number of people affected by it, is clearly human induced. A comprehensive analysis of the effects associated with the project on land degradation is necessary. LAND DEGRADATION : Soil quality decline is one of the main causes of land degradation and it considered to be responsible for 84% of the every diminishing acres (FAO, 2011). Deforestation of unsuitable land Deforestation is both a type of degradation as such, and also a cause of other types, principally water erosion. Land degradation threatens the livelihoods of billions of people around the world . Serious degradation sometimes leads to temporary or permanent abandonment ofsome plots. Indeed, much of what drove the Empires relentless expansion was the need for new agriculturally productive lands. The key to managing and reducing soil erosion is to rehabilitate already-damaged land, stop further degradation and put erosion-preventative measures at the core of land management policy. Forest degradation is land degradation that occurs in forest land. The main outcome of land degradation is a substantial reduction in the productivity of land. If the country cannot find a successful way to fix its watersheds, it could become water scarce. This was due to deforestation at 9.8% and over-cultivation at 7.7%. In order to effectively understand the problems facing our environment, it is important to examine the effects of environmental degradation. National governments have regulated agriculture practices in order to mitigate the effect of soil compaction. Soil Pollution. Water shortages, caused by major drought can lead to a drop in the water table meaning many plants die as their roots cannot reach the water. Land degradation is an ecological sensation that disturbing arid lands and effect the economic and natural excellence of an agronomic land [5]. Land degradation has long lasting effects on communities, such as soil erosion and contamination, making them increasingly vulnerable to further land degradation, as well as to socio-economic and political powers. Effects Of Land Degradation 1613 Words | 7 Pages. This loss can affect productivity and biodiversity. One of the biggest causes of land degradation is overgrazing. Overgrazing occurs when animals such as cattle, goats, sheep, etc feed on the grass excessively. 70% of agricultural land suited for raising livestock or crops is already degraded in Africa (FAO, 2011). Impacts of climate change 20 6. Soil erosion impact on agronomic productivity and environment quality. Land degradation: Causes, impacts and rehabilitation techniques 2.1 Causes of land degradation Scholars identified different causes of land degradation. Define land degradation. Effects of Environmental Degradation. In its most severe form, it can lead to desertification, which seriously threatens agricultural production and food security. Poverty affects a large percentage of Malawis population. Effects ofLand Degradation The most important on-farmeffects oflanddegrada tion are declining potential yields. Abstract: The note focuses on the global effects of land degradation, but emphasizes other important levels of land degradation: at the field level, it may result in reduced productivity; at the national level, it may cause flooding, and sedimentation; and, at the global level, it can contribute to climate changes, damaging bio-diversity, and international waters. Mining activities. When it comes to learning how to write better, UWriteMyEssay.net is that company. Land degradation is a concept in which the value of the biophysical environment is affected by one or more combination of human induced processes acting upon the land. Desertification in the West Sahel 4.3. The effects of land degradation on entire economies can also be significant. Land degradation results in the loss in ecosystem functioning and productivity. However their negative effects can be amplified through human action (such as pastoral and agricultural land use for example) within the watershed. and indirectly by increasing demands for cleared land for development, collection of shells for souvenirs, seafood, and mangrove poles and coral lime for construction. Soil erosion means the 2. 3. humans. Land degradation can exacerbate climate change and threaten agricultural productivity, water quality, biodiversity, sustainable development, and the living conditions of humans and wildlife, among other effects. Globally, a third of our land is degraded, affecting 3 billion people, and it is expected to worsen with rising demand for food. One effect of land and soil degradation is lost productivity/yield on agricultural land, and some estimates indicate that productivity may have reduced by 20% to 30% in some regions Economically, some estimates put the economically loss that land and soil degradation is responsible for at tens of billions of dollars worldwide annually The emphasis on land, rather than soil, broadens the focus to include natural resources, such as climate, water, landforms and vegetation. New Delhi, India More than 3.2 billion people around the world are at risk from land degradation, a trend that may worsen the impacts of climate change As a signatory to the United [] Overall, nonlinear trend analysis can reveal the hidden trend reversals to prevent the overestimation or underestimation of the risk of vegetation degradation and is conducive to accurate assessment of the effects of land use changes on vegetation trends. Natural hazards are excluded as a cause; however human activities can indirectly affect phenomena such as floods and bush fires. Less still is known about how these processes are likely to interact in different social-ecological systems around the world, or how societies might be able to adapt to this twin challenge. It is also a contributory cause of The term production loss refers to the production lost as a result of land degradation, that is: Production loss = production from non-degraded land - production from degraded land, with the same inputs and management Relative production loss is production loss as a Land degradation cancels out advanced by improved crop yields and reduced population growth. If land degradation process continues, it eventually leads to desertification [1]. Soil physical and hydrological properties. It can be the loss of organic matter, decline in soil fertility, and structural condition, erosion, adverse changes in salinity, acidity or alkalinity, and the effects of toxic chemicals, pollutants or excessive flooding. Linkages with poverty are well established and current remedial programs can be identified. It is the process of human-beings affecting the atmosphere. Asia, Thus, in order to prevent these adverse consequences, we should take several measures in our daily life. Land degradation in semi-arid areas Causes Physical. Desertification includes land degradation in arid, semi-arid and dry sub humid areas resulting from various factors, including climatic variations and human activities. Land degradation resulting from various natural and anthropogenic activities including the loss of organic matter, decline in soil fertility, erosion, and the effects of toxic chemicals is a serious global environmental problem and it may be triggered by climate change (DeFries et al., 2012; Lal, 1997). Desertification affects as much as one-sixth of the world's population, seventy percent of all drylands, and one-quarter of the total land area of the world. Deforestation: Forests play an important role in maintaining fertility of soil by shedding their leaves Land degradation, as a decline in land quality caused by human activities has been a major global issue during the 20th century and will remain on the international agenda in the 21st century. What Are The Negative Effects Of Water Erosion? The immediate causes of land degradation are inap- propriate land use that leads to degradation of soil, water and vegetative cover and loss of both soil and vegetative biological diversity, affecting ecosystem structure and functions [9]. Deforestation and land degradation, however, are impairing the capacity of forests and the land to contribute to food security, and to provide other benefits, such as fuelwood and fodder in Ethiopia. One of the major processes that causes land degradation is soil degradation that consist of loss of topsoil caused by wind and/ or Research into the causes of land degradation 4.1. The effects of soil degradation can be mitigated, prevented, and even reversed through the use of sustainable farming techniques and better land management practices. The land degradation processes include soil erosion, nutrient depletion, salinization, desertification and soil acidification or alkalinisation. Soil degradation is a serious global environmental problem and may be exacerbated by climate change. Land degradation is happening at an Effect of degradation. While water stress and drought are experienced over larger areas including arid deserts, semi-arid and even areas having moderate annual rainfall, both for productivity as well as sound environment, the problem of these two categories would have to be looked into critically. A case study in South Africa J. There are patches of abandoned land on account of failure to support crops or grazing. Impact on Human Health; Human health is heavily impacted by environmental degradation. Land degradation is when land changes due to Preview Abstract or chapter one below Format: PDF and MS Word (DOC) pages = 65 3,000 The writers there are skillful, humble, passionate, Effects Of Land Degradation Essay teaching and tutoring from personal experience, and exited to show you the way. The factor that is now the most severe in Australia is Wind, Water erosion and soil salinity. Effect of land degradation on environment Land degradation is an ecological sensation that disturbing arid lands and effect the economic and nature of agronomic lands [5]. Although much is known about the processes and effects of land degradation and climate change, little is understood about the links between them. The government decided to take concrete actions to avoid, reduce and reverse land degradation, and mitigate the effects of drought. 271 - 297 Table 3.1: Cause of land degradation on HHs farm land . The effects of climate change and land degradation have been devastating in many areas across rural drylands. A consequence of land shortage is poverty. Malawi has a population of over 18 million people. It is the leading cause of water erosion in steeply sloping humid environments. LAND DEGRADATION EFFECT ON DEVELOPMENT IN MALAWI BY HERBERT RAUL NYIRENDA MSc ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF MALAWI, CHANCELLOR COLLEGE heraul.nyirenda@gmail.com +2659 992 882 440 / +265 888 669 965 2014 LAND DEGRADATION EFFECT ON DEVELOPMENT IN MALAWI Land includes not only the soil resource, but also the water, Land degradation is a general deterioration of land, decreasing its productivity and biodiversity. 3. Land Degradation Review,7, 1945. Pressure on land India faces the most acute pressure on agricultural land. Degradation of Land: The degradation of land in one form or the other is matter of serious concern endangering sustainability of agriculture. In this way, we can help prevent hunger and mitigate the climate crisis. Desertification is a problem generally associated with arid lands of the country. Land degradation results from the combined effects of processes such as loss of biological diversity and vegetative cover, soil loss nutrient imbalance, the decline in soil organic matter, and decrease of infiltration and water retention capacity. Land degradationthe loss of goods and services derived from our ecosystems, such as soil, vegetation, and other plant and animal lifenot only poses a serious threat to long-term food security but puts wildlife diversity in grave danger.Taking the form of des Land degradation particularly in the study area and generally in Ethiopia highlands has been a concern for many years and these consisted fundamental bases Effects Of Land Degradation Essay choose to learn from the best. These greenhouse gas emissions contribute to rising temperatures, changes in patterns of weather and water, and an increased frequency of extreme weather events. Loss of natural fertility of soil because of loss of nutrients. Deforestation, clearcutting, clearance, or clearing is the removal of the trees in a forest or stand of trees from a piece of land, then converted to a non-forest use. Land degradation is, usually, the result of complex Water Degradation 4. Ethiopians are facing rapid deforestation and degradation of land resources. Land degradation directly influenced cultivation, ecosystem, production, environment, nutritional value and biodiversity [21]. 1. The Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA) estimates that 16% of rangelands are currently undergoing degradation, with 2025% of the total land area being degraded, ultimately affecting the livelihoods of about 1.5 billion people worldwide . Forest degradation, including the kind of logging pictured here on Pirititi Indigenous land in the Brazilian Amazon, can significantly affect energy, water, and carbon fluxes in forests. The effects of land degradation. In a simplified sense, the NAP addresses the causes and effects of land degradation events such as erosion, flooding, landslide, In fact, Europe was the most affected with just under a quarter of its land degraded. It is the process of Over the years, the human race has caused considerable damage to the land. The threat ofdeg radation may also be reflected in the need to use a higher level of inputs in order to maintain yields. Land degradation is the deterioration or loss of the productive capacity of the soils for the present and future.. It is clear that the impact of land degradation is a drain on economic growth in The productivity of grassland and forest resources, The combination of land degradation and climate change is predicted to reduce crop yields by 10% globally, and up to 50% in some areas. The document further goes on examining the serious and complex web of problems that have arisen from worsening land degradation of the earths drylands, which are home to 2,000 million people, comprise of 44 percent of all the worlds cultivated land and should sustain 50 percent of the worlds livestock [13]. Other hand land degradation is a continuing deterioration of environment [6] and production [7]. There is now work underway to try and put a stop to some of the damage, and reverse some of the effects. Net primary productivity decreased by an average of 29 kg C/ha/year over the period 1981-2003(Bai and Dent 2007). These high costs have not received adequate attention, partly due to the complexity of accurately measuring the knock-on effects and externalities of land degradation. It negatively affects food production, livelihoods, and the production and provision of other ecosystem goods and services. A brief historical review of land degradation 3. The major perceived effects of land degradation include decrease in farmland available for cultivation, reduction in farm yield (output), reduction in farmers income and loss of nutrients/organic matter. It is related to veld degradation (when rangelands lose their vegetation cover through over-grazing or inappropriate fires), Soil degradation is the physical, chemical and biological decline in soil quality. Erosion as a result of overgrazing can lead to severe land degradation. Since there is an exposed and empty soil without its vegetal cover its operational state diminishes, since the roots can not deepen and they do not count also with the required humidity. Nearly half of the world's population resides in cities and consumes resources produced in an area 200 times the size of the city. Land degradation is any kind of alternation in the overall condition of the soil which decreases its actual productive capabilities. Desertification is a process of degradation of the land. Land degradation also has serious knock-on effects for humans, such as malnutrition, disease, forced migration, cultural damage, and even war. Land degradation occurs when the crucial ecosystem processes are disturbed in a negative way due to use of land, causing lost of vegetation cover, and soil fertility affecting the main processes and functions of the ecosystems. i t directly affects the livelihoods of millions of people, many of them poor and vulnerable in the worlds drylands, where more than 500 million hectares of land is degraded. Land degradation in this area impacts food and water security, economic development, and natural resources. Arid Environ. The effect of degradation on herbage consumption is relatively small compared with the effects of rainfall variability, but it increases the chance of running out of forage during drought. in the areas affected by droughts and land degradation on an unprecedented global scale. land degradation is a critical global environmental issue. Land Degradation. 4.9 Drought, land degradation, migration, and violent conflict 19 4.10 Out-migration as a cause of land degradation 19 5. Globally annual degradation cost is about USD 40 billion [8]. Reversing land degradation can improve agricultural production and slow climate change. It recognises that soil degradation is a serious challenge and states that by 2020 land is supposed to be managed sustainably in the entire Union. Deforestation is the conversion of forest to non-forest land and can result in land degradation. This is particularly the case for populations living in rural areas where most of the poor people reside: estimates report that 80% of the extreme poor live in rural areas and 65% work in the agricultural sector. Impact On Flora. The natural life cycle and food cycle gets affected due to landfills. To understand the effects of abiotic filtering, we measured soil pH, moisture, electrical conductivity, total soil organic carbon, microbial biomass carbon, and microbial biomass nitrogen. i t also negatively affects the worlds ability Land degradation has long lasting effects on communities, such as soil erosion and contamination, making them increasingly vulnerable to further land degradation, as well as to socio-economic and political powers. Deterioration of crop production particularly in the highlands is cited as a major and prime impact of the land degradation, where soil and soil nutrient loss due to erosion is a Land degradation directly affects some 1.5 billion people, including 42% of the worlds very poor and 32% of the moderately poor. Soil degradation is a process in which the value of the land and its biophysical environment is affected by a combination of human actions and non-natural phenomenons. Approximately 15 billion trees are cut down each year. capacity of a land use system must be known as well as the effect of erosion on this productive capacity (Driessen, 1986). The effects of soil degradation can often be mitigated, prevented and even reversed through the use of sustainable farming techniques and better land management practices. Convention to combat Desertification (UNCCD) and Land Degradation and to mitigate the Effects of Droughts. Axle load and tillage effects on soil degradation and rehabilitation in Western Nigeria. Land degradationthe deterioration or loss of the productive capacity of the soils for present and futureis a global challenge that affects everyone through food insecurity, higher food prices, climate change, environmental hazards, and the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Note: It is important to note that most causes of degradation are closely interdependent and thus mostly more than one cause lead to the prevailing erosion features. Land Degradation. Causes of land degradation in rainforest areas. The proc The forms of land degradation 3.1. Land degradation is a consequence of socioeconomic, demographic and climatic factors that, together, have harmful and far-reaching effects on environmental and human welfare. In Oceania, 13% of the land was damaged mainly by overgrazing. The degradation comes from several sources but it is mainly from extensive agriculture. 2.1. Pollution of water resources from the contamination of soil through which water sweeps into ground or runoff to the water bodies. LAL, R. 1996. Land Degradation . NE Cape Fear District. Land Degradation is a global issue caused by multiple threats of the decrease of topsoil and land productivity from erosion processes and overuse. Despite the diversity of manifestations, all types of water erosion cause a common set of negative effects that can be defined. These include pressure on land, land/soil degradation, forests, habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity, changing consumption pattern, rising demand for energy, air pollution, global warming and climate change and water scarcity and water pollution. livestock populations coupled with the effects of recurrent drought have led to a serious degradation of vegetational cover, erosion, and the depletion of soil fertility on a large scale in many parts of sub -Saharan Africa. 2. Land degradation is caused by multiple forces, including extreme weather conditions, particularly drought. Land degradation is a negative change in the quality of land, usually induced by a mixture of natural and man-made causes. The result is small farms, low production per person and increasing landlessness. Changes in the characteristic of soil. Explain with causes and control measures Land degradation is defined as the reduction or loss of the biological or economic productivity and complexity of rainfed cropland, irrigated cropland, or range, pasture, forest or woodlands resulting from natural processes, land uses or other human activities.

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